Here at Electronic Services Unlimited Inc., professional excellence is our game. We’re always committed to improving our services in the best way that we can. Our business officially started when our family bought an assembly shop. As the years went by, the business flourished, and we were able to expand our shop skill set. The main service that we offer is PCB assembly; and our products end up around the world. By committing to quality, we save our customers money when it comes to test and troubleshooting. Whether it’s a basic PCB Assembly, or a custom one, we are committed to exceeding IPC-610 Standards. Other services include BGA place & X-ray, surface mount assembly, surface mount rework, cable and harness assembly, chassis wiring, panel wiring, wire cutting and stripping, general mechanical assembly, and manufacturing cost reduction consulting.
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Fair Pricing
Reliable Service
Whenever pricing is concerned, we are your best friend. Our prices and fees are exceptionally competitive, making us one of the better choices in the market today. We don’t just scale our prices without considerations. Since our business is a work of passion, we totally understand the side of our clients. So even if you have a limited budget allotted for electronic assembly, we can still help you out. Just tell us what you need.
Electronic Services Unlimited Inc. is the best solution to your electronic manufacturing and assembly needs. Contact us today for your service request!